Sunday, May 3, 2009

How can I encrypt my database?

How can I encrypt my database?

This is a very general question that someone could certainly write a book on but I’ll go at answering it by providing a few options and explaining the pro’s and con’s of each solution. The following list is by no means comprehensive.

The first question you need to ask yourself before going on this journey is where does the encryption need to occur and who are you protecting the data from. These two questions will drive the amount of effort and complexity required in building a solution.

1) In database encryption. The database is encrypted in the database and is viewable to no-one unless they have access to the encryption key. The data could be encrypted at the application level by first running the data through an encryption algorithm before inserting into the database or the data can be encrypted using SQL Server 2005’s column level encryption or SQL Server 2008’s transparent data encryption. Using in database encryption is the most secure option in that it can be leveraged to protect sensitive data from anyone that gains access to the database engine itself (whether valid or invalid access) however it has significant performance and scalability caveats. Encrypting at the application level basically ensures that SQL Server will not be able properly index the data and therefore query perofmance may be dreadful with large data sets. Leveraging column level encryption or TDE also will introduce query processing overhead and adversely affects the performance of your queries but not to the same extent. Another drawback of In Database encrption is that it renders backup compression (whether through SQL Server 2008 or a third party backup product or winzip) obsolete. Encrypted data is not compressible, therefore the size of your encrypted database will roughly equal the size of your backup files regardless of the compression technology used.

2) If you do not need to secure data inside of the database but want to secure data once it leaves the database, a good solution would be to leverage a third party backup solution such as LiteSpeed. These solutions will compress and also encrypt backup data in memory so that it is secured as soon as it leaves the database. This is an attractive option to companies that store backups on network devices and are worried about internal or external users gaining access to network resources and therefore having direct access to backup files. If you think that native backup files are secured, try opening a small database backup file in notepad. You will see that all of the data is stored in plain text. If you have a copy of pubs lying around from the SQL 2000 days you can back it up, open the backup file in notepad, search for “Smith” and you will see Smith’s social security number right there. This method of database encryption will not secure the data in the database, so anyone who gains database access has free reign on your data, but thats what DBA’s are for right???

3) A third option, and the last that we will discuss here, is to leverage encryption at the tape level. Most organizations take their disk based backups and eventually migrate them to tape, where the backups files are then encrypted and eventually moved to offsite storage. This should be a bare minimum for any SQL Server as once a tape leaves offsite anything could happen to it. There have been many major news stories recently discussing companies that have had backup tapes lost or stolen and without leveraging at a minimum the tape systems encryption, that data is available to anyone that may “find” a backup tape. Tape level encryption does nothing to protect the database info inside of the database or the backup data inside of a companies network, but it does protect the data once it is transported offsite. The nice advantage of this as well as the previous option is that they impose no overhead on standard database workload, they simply may add some overhead to your backup time depending on the level of encyption that you are performing.

Hopefully this brief rundown of database encryption options has given you enough info to get started decideing which implentation strategy is best for you, and as always if you have any further questions, feel free to submit them.

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